Organic Cara Cara Oranges

Availability: Out of stock

Price: 18,00 39,00 

The Navel Cara orange is a spontaneous mutation of the Washington Navel orange. It is a variety originating from the Hacienda of Cara Cara in Valencia (a city in Venezuela). The skin is a deep orange colour and due to the colour of the flesh, this variety is also known as ‘Pink-fleshed Navel’. The flesh is very juicy and has a sweet taste with a cherry aftertaste.


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Description Organic Cara Cara Oranges

The deep pink colour of the Cara Cara is due to the high concentration of lycopene compared to other oranges, which owe their red colour to anthocyanins. Lycopene is an antioxidant that helps reduce the risk of developing various types of cancer and heart disease.
Origin Italy-Sicily – Mixed size – Cat. I – No post-harvest treatment. Product subject to weight loss.

Additional information

Weight 4 kg

Box 3,5Kg, Box 9Kg

Which Type Choose

  • Table Oranges (75/85mm): It’s all pulp! This type of fruit is more suitable as a table orange, given its size, which is typically larger than oranges used to make juice.
  • Juicing Oranges (62/70mm): Smaller, but juicier! Because of its size, this type of orange is more suitable for making juice. It’s smaller than the typical table orange and has considerably more juice.
  • Mini (50/58mm): The smallest, but delicious! Despite the slightly smaller size, they maintain the same organoleptic properties. Perfect for salads and creative side dishes.
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Navel Cara Oranges are a variety of Navel oranges with a surprisingly pink flesh, which offers a sweet and delicate flavour with notes of berries and cherry.

Cara Cara oranges are distinguished by their reddish-pink flesh, compared to other Navels that have orange flesh. In addition, the taste of Cara Cara oranges is sweeter and less sour.

Navel Cara Cara oranges ripen between December and January, and are available during the winter months, offering freshness and sweetness in the middle of winter.

Cara Cara oranges are rich in vitamin C, antioxidants such as lycopene, and fibre, which help strengthen the immune system and improve heart and skin health.

Yes, our Navel Cara Cara oranges are organically grown and certified IT BIO 004, guaranteeing a chemical pesticide-free and sustainable product.

Navel Cara Cara oranges have a smooth skin, similar to that of Navel oranges, but their flesh has a distinctive reddish-pink colour, which makes them easy to recognise.

The pink colour of the flesh of Cara Cara oranges is due to the presence of lycopene, a natural antioxidant that also gives watermelons and tomatoes their red colour.

Navel Cara Cara oranges are mainly grown in Sicily, where the Mediterranean climate favours the development of their unique taste and natural sweetness.

Navel Cara Cara oranges are best stored in a cool, dry place or in the refrigerator, where they can retain their freshness and flavour for about two weeks.

Cara Cara oranges are perfect for fresh consumption due to their sweet and seedless pulp. They are also excellent for juicing, citrus salads and as an ingredient in desserts.